
This document describes how to install demeuk.

There are multiple ways to install python packages

  • System-wide

  • User specific

  • Virtual environment

The recommended way to install demeuk is to install it in a virtual environment.


  • Python 3.6 is required

  • Ubuntu 18.04 is the only OS on which demeuk has been tested.


Virtual environment

$ sudo apt install python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv
$ cd <some place where the virtual environment will be created>
$ virtualenv venv-demeuk
$ source venv-demeuk/bin/activate

Installing from PyPi

$ pip3 install demeuk

Installing from source

If for some reason the PyPi is not available, you can build the wheelfile yourself. First create a Virtual environment as described above. Virtual environment

$ git clone <link to repository>
$ cd demeuk
$ python3 bdist_wheel
$ pip3 install dist/*.whl

Run from source

If for some reason you want to run demeuk from source you only have to install the requirements.

$ git clone <link to repository>
$ cd demeuk
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 bin/ --help


Upgrading demeuk is quite simple. In case you have installed demeuk through pip and using a virtualenv:

$ source venv-demeuk/bin/activate
$ pip3 install demeuk --upgrade

In case that you installed demeuk using the source, just rebuild the software and install the wheel file. Pip3 will upgrade the package automatically.